On Saturday my friend Leanne took me to a fabric sale. Need I say more? Once a year the United Church in Spruce Cliff opens its doors to hundreds of bargain fabric shoppers. At one point the count was right around 500 people - mostly women. A few brave men followed along at a close distance, arms piled high with bargains while the women continued to "shop".
Come rain snow sleet or hail, no matter the weather, a good 1/2 hour before doors even open cars are vying for parking spots and the line up lengthens. You begin to make conversation with other shoppers in line... "what are you looking for?" "You need to just rush to your favourite items right away, or they will be gone..." Being a first timer I carefully listen to experienced one day shoppers talk strategy and listen to advice. All the while keeping an eye open to see who else from the 'hood' might be braving this experience.
Another example of a community building event. For weeks, perhaps months - possibly since last years sale date, the United church basement has been filling with fabric, wool and other creative "sewing type" cast offs from retired crafters and even some donations from fabric stores. Thousands of items are sold by the piece for $1, $2, $3 - or a little more. Funds are raised for Grandma's helping Grandma's in Aids affected societies. A bargain with a great cause what could be better?
So armed with shopping bags in hand and cash in pockets, Leanne and I made our way through the mazes of tables and rooms - each corner filled with something special. Crafters with determined looks choosing their items of choice, filling bags as they go. Occasionally you spot a reluctant husband following along behind a woman, meekly doing his duty of carrying treasures. Being extra careful not to get in the way. The event brings its own kind of community with questions such as "have you seen any yellow fabric?" Quilting fabrics, cottons, denim, yarn, patterns, etc... all at a bargain.
Eventually Leanne and I re-unite and we declare we are done - right after we quickly look through this stack of quilting magazines. *snicker*snicker - all the ladies giggle a little when they hear a comment like that. But alas, they all understand.
I spent a total of $26 - and came away with 3 large shopping bags of stuff, plus the find of the day - an extra large wooden quilting/embroidery frame for $1!
$4 bundle - in honour of my Grandma Peters and her love for both purple and pansy's. |
$2 bundle |
$3 bundle - vintage. One of my favourites. |
$1 bundle |
$2 flannel sqaures 10" size |
$1 each piece. Pinks to add to my Craftsy BOM projects, Noach's Ark for a baby project, plain white - can never have too much white, and bright yellow - the perfect match for Amy's quilt binding (the yellow was $3 but its a huge piece) |
$1 each - craft folk ark and plaid. |
$1 large piece of denim |
$1 green plaid - must be at least 3metres here. I see a beautiful sun dress for Amy. |
$1 - large hoop for quilting. |
Everyone loves a bargain....