The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Vintage Plates

For those who had been following my Vintage Plates BOM, I am happy to report I have finally completed this quilt top. I had been making the freebies only, and was struggling with a final layout. In the end, I tossed one of the finished blocks, added two additional blocks for a total of 13 blocks. I created some simple disappearing nine patch fillers, added a variety of sashing and borders, laid everything on point and hoped for the best. This is quite a large quilt, perhaps the largest so far and I will likely need to take it to a quilter for the stitching. However, I am quite pleased with the final result - I even took it in to show Bernadette (designer) and she gave me a thumbs up.
 Playing with the layout

 Best place is on the kitchen floor

 Final borders on

Large enough to fit a queen sized bed