The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Hair Cleansing Cream

As I've been researching the soap making industry, I've been learning a lot about the different chemicals which are added to our products. I've decided its better to try and eliminate some of these unnecessary chemicals we subject our bodies to. Apparently, shampoo is one of the worst offenders out there as far as chemicals. I really wasn't convinced that I could create something natural which could clean our hair sufficiently. So back to the computer - reading 100's of blogs and reviews on homemade hair cleansers.

Eventually this is what I tried...

1 piece of my homemade oatmeal soap (shaved) melted with 1/2 cup of water
The soap melted and combined with the water to create a nice clear solution.
I added the following...
1 Tbsp avocado oil (LOVE avocado oil)

This made it instantly creamy.

I also like that the little flecks of oatmeal were hanging around. 

Then I added 1 tsp baking soda, 30 drops tea tree oil, 20 drops of oil of oregano and 10 drops of peppermint EO.
I mixed this together. Although the mixture was nice a creamy, I thought it would thicken too much so I added about 1/2 cup more water.

I placed it into smaller containers and it was ready for use.
We follow with a diluted Apple Cider vinegar rinse - this leaves our hair clean and and the rinse leaves it soft and manageable.

It does thicken as it sits. We can either microwave it a just a bit to get it more runny, or we can add more water. But we find it's great to put the cream into these little containers and just scoop out a bit when you need it. 

We all have different hair types, yet this seems to work for all of us. Rob needs oil control, I need moisturizing and conditioning and Amy needs colour setting... works great for all of us.

Looks like we're almost out, so I will need to make some more... 

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